BeyondZero BeyondZero



如果我们能提供改善工人健康和福祉的解决方案呢, 提高我们设计团队的生产力, 对环境有积极影响吗, 同时通过降低项目生命周期内的成本为我们的客户增加价值?

在雅各布斯,我们今天充满挑战. 重塑明天.

作为一家以解决方案为基础的公司,我们一直拥有健康, 安全与环境(HSE)是我们业务的核心. Our passion for safety 和 our courage to care for one another 和 our environment inspires mutual respect. 我们相信,当我们应用的基本原则 BeyondZero® (i.e. 我们的关怀文化)和 PlanBeyond® (i.e. 我们的全球可持续经营策略), 我们的设计成果, 我们可以提供有利于HSE的解决方案, 在我们项目的整个资产生命周期中.

de5ign (pronounced ‘five in design’) incorporates incorporates these principles into our design process to leave a lasting positive legacy of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ involvement on the project, 造福人类和环境. 






土木工程师学会(ICE)发表了一篇讨论设计的雅各布斯论文, 我们的行为可持续设计管理流程, 和 how this had been applied on the design of the five Central C1 shafts for the High Speed Two (HS2) railway project in the U.K.

阅读全文 in 土木工程师学会学报-土木工程 November 2023 issue.

外部 阅读全文


The greatest opportunity to eliminate or reduce risk to people 和 the environment lies with the designer.

de5ign combines emerging best practice from global safety in design legislation 和 sustainable design practices with guidance from academic research, 专业机构, 联合国, 世界卫生组织和国际劳工组织, 变成一个实用的, 基于行为的, 设计管理流程. It places particular emphasis on the responsibility of designers 和 the impact that their design decisions have on people 和 the environment over the whole lifecycle of the asset, 考虑到以下几点:

  • 设计中的健康

    The impact of design decisions on how it can positively (or negatively) affect the health of construction workers 和 end users:

    • Occupational Disease: Reduce occupational diseases 和 cancers caused by the work environment or work-related activities. 
    • Mental Health 和 Wellbeing: Considers design to benefit the mental health 和 wellbeing of all persons who will interact with the asset over its design life.
  • 设计中的安全

    The impact of how design decisions can positively (or negatively) impact the asset's whole life cycle on people considering:

    • 材料和设备的选择.
    • 施工的安排、方法和顺序.
  • 设计中的环境

    The impact of how the design 和 procurement of assets can positively (or negatively) affect the environment, 气候变化与可持续性:

    • 环境:减少对人和环境的风险, leaving a lasting 和 positive legacy by (1) ensuring compliance with legislative 和 regulatory requirements as a minimum, (二)保护和改善当地环境;(三)防止污染.
    • 气候:推动建筑环境资产和供应链的快速脱碳, 同时加速向零碳经济的基本转变, 每个项目都是应对气候变化的机会. 
    • 可持续性: Ensuring long-term resilience while positively contributing toward the economy, 社会与环境.
设计使积极的ESG设计实践能够满足我们的需求 首页 我们的 环境管理可持续性 承诺的声明.

这种方法推动了积极设计师行为的上升曲线, 对于每个项目, 造福人类和环境.

早期识别全生命周期设计危害,对成本产生积极影响, 为客户提供从施工到运营的质量和项目成果, 资产的维护和最终退役/拆除.

